Today we ended our reading of the Daily 5! How are you feeling? Are you excited to start the school year and try this in your classroom or do you still have questions on how it will work in your classroom?
The Sisters did a great job of answering the majority of the questions that I still had in this chapter. One of the topics that I still am questioning is the use of the "Check-In" page. Is is worth the time to go through and ask every student which choice they are choosing for each round or is it better to assign their choices to them? Also, do you have enough resources to support students choosing each round (i.e. you only have 4 computers in your room so that limits how many can choose this each round)? Several teachers at Klondike have combatted this problem by using a visual board on their ENO board. Kara Meyer created schedules for each day of the week and predetermined what choice each student will have each day. She used student pictures and graphics to visualize what Daily 5 activity each child will do during each round.
Intermediate teachers, how are you feeling about the idea that your students do more of a Daily 3? The Sisters say to use Read to Self, Read to Somone and Work on Writing during your reading block time, but since we can't work on Writing, what would you choose instead? Could your students benefit from Word Work or perhaps you use that time for SuccessMaker? Like I stated on my last post, the new Journey's does have a more succient phonics and spelling section that links these two together allowing you to work on this "Word Work" during your Reading block because it is a phonics based program and not a seperate spelling program.
We will now jump into the Cafe book. I am looking into the week of August 6th for our meeting due to 4-H fairs coming up next week.
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