Sunday, July 8, 2012

Daily 5 Chapter 3 Discussion

After reading chapter 3, I am READY for "The Sisters" to get into the nuts and bolts of how the Daily 5 works in the classroom.

The discussion that the "The Sisters" had about the I PICK books was wonderful, I believe that students as young as Kindergarten can take on the task of choosing books that are just right books for themselves.  If you are a Pintrest user, there are several different I PICK signs for you to create with your class to help them understand how to pick just right books.  I am including an example of one below.

I also found a great video on YouTube of students doing the I PICK rap to help them understand what the I PICK acronym stands for.

YouTube video of the I PICK rap

As I reflect back on the reading, the one thing that I have been questioning in my head is do I agree that students should stop and meet back together after every independent work time.  I agree with the sisters that it is important for students to be able to talk about their learning, but does that make sense with my teaching style and/or the time frame that I have in my classroom?  How do you feel about this idea of stopping, reflecting and then going back to independent work again?

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